My name was drawn in the Operation Write Home Blog Tour. Here's the entry: R/W/B.
I am not sure which stamp set that I will receive, but the win is awesome. I must thank Lawren for telling me that I was chosen, or I wouldn't have known. While I visit that blog, I must have missed the post that had the winners listed! A Stampin Up stamp set is the prize, three of them as a matter of fact! operation Write Home is a fabulous blog and they provide a service - sending cards that we make to the servicemen and women that serve and protect our country!
Thank you, Operation Write Home
and thank you, the service people that defend our country.

Joanne, CONGRATS TO YOU!~!!!!!! Way to go!
Congrats to you- you should buy lotto tickets!!!
Yeah you! Congrats!
Yeah you! Congrats!
well done jo!!!!! xxx
Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Or maybe just some stamps, LOL! Congrats, love to see my cyber friends win prizes, enjoy your new stamps!
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